Addendum No. 2 – 28th February 2025
L2A – 2. 191 REVISED BID DOC FOR EREGI – CHAVAKALI ROAD 28.02.2025 Revised
Reference is made to the Tender Notice that appeared in the Authority’s website and the MyGov pullout on The Star Newspaper dated 28th January 2025, the Long Advert dated 13th February, 2025 and Addendum No. 1 dated 25th February, 2025.
Interested Bidders are requested to note the following amendments for the Tenders published under the above referenced Tender Notice;
a).The details under Location of the Project – Section 101 Special Specifications be amended to read as “The project road is located in Embu County and is approximately 30.0 Km long. The existing alignment comprises a gravel/earth Road”.
b).The Time for Completion under Clause 1.1.4 (Construction Part A) of Section IX – Special Conditions of Contract be amended to read as “A. Construction: Thirty (30) Months”.
c). Bill No. 1 General: Office administration and overheads/ Preliminaries has been amended and is herewith attached as Annex I.That the Summary of Bill of Quantity’s to the BoQs for the Tender for Improvement of Salmond Hotel – Sikata Junction Road, Tender No. KeRRA/08/39/133/2024-25 has been amended and is hereby attached as Annex II.
1 | Subbase layer thickness:
whereas the special specifications requires a subbase thickness of 175mm, the BoQ indicates and provides for a subbase thickness of 150mm. Kindly clarify |
Both the BoQ and Special Specifications provides for subbase thickness of 175mm. Kindly confirm from the Tender Document in the KeRRA Website |
2 | Base layer thickness:
whereas the special specifications requires a subbase thickness of 150mm, the BoQ indicates and provides for a subbase thickness of 125mm. Kindly clarify |
Both the Boq and Special Specifications provides for base thickness of 150mm. Kindly confirm from the Tender Document in the KeRRA Website |
3 | Maintenance of works:
Whereas the special specifications provide for the maintenance of the works for 36 months after defects liability period, in the scope of works notes, Clause 1.1.4 of the special conditions of the Contract captures the performance based routine maintenance as “Not Applicable”. Kindly clarify |
The performance based routine maintenance is “ Not Applicable”, as captured |
4 | Clause 107 of the Special specifications provides that the Taking over certificate shall be issued upon the completion of the whole part of the works. Earlier requirements in similar projects have been amended to provide for sectional taking over for any road links or a combination of links that are above 10km in length. Kindly clarify. | Clause 107 of the Special Specifications to remain unchanged. ..”Taking over certificate shall be issued upon the completion of the whole part of the works”. |
5 | Clause 1.07 of the BoQ on the provision of fully loaded double cabin pickups states “Ditto item 1.05, but one(2) new fully loaded double cabin pick-ups” kindly clarify | Amend to read as follows:
Clause 1.07 of the BoQ on the provision of fully loaded double cabin pick-ups states “Ditto item 1.05, but Two (2) new fully loaded double cabin pick-ups” |
6 | The book of drawings is not provided in the tender documents. Kindly clarify | The book of Drawings will be provided on site by the Engineer prior to commencement of works |
7 | Kindly provide blank Pre-tender site Visit certificate | Blank Pretender site visit certificate attached as Annex VII herewith. |
8 | Kindly provide the form/format to be used to provide the information proof of eligible goods | Qualification Forms, Form 1 Ft: Foreign Tenderers 40% Rule provided in the tender document can be used to provide information. |
9 | Kindly confirm the Tender security validity period | This is guided in detail under ITT 20.1 and ITT 21. |
10 | Bid Bond is indicated as Kshs. 3,000,000.00 pg 19 and Kshs. 6,000,000.00 on page 22. Kindly clarify | Amend the Tender Security Amount under ITT 21.1 (Data Sheet) to read as KShs. Six Million (6Million). |
Deputy Director (Supply Chain Management)