What is AFCAP?
The African Community Access Programme(AFCAP) is a research initiative using evidence to promote the development of safe, sustainable, least-cost, all-weather, locally-owned access for poor rural communities. It is a 5-year programme funded by the UK government - DFID, which commenced in June 2008. By improving rural access communities are able to reach improved health & education services, road safety measures and greater gender equality.

AFCAP is based upon portfolio of: Research & Demonstration, Advisory Services and Training. The outputs from these activities feed into National Transport Policies streaming down to regional and local community level hence leading to greater poverty reduction. AFCAP works with other existing programmes funded by other development partners in each country. One of its core strategy is national ownership of the programme by each country and as such a national co-ordinator and steering group are identified by the host government to oversee the programme’s activities.
AFCAP has developed research collaboration with 8-10 African countries (currently Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana) where it funds research, knowledge-exchange and training. The programme is also supported by regional bodies such as South Africa Development Community, East African Community and Sub Saharan Africa Transport Programme.