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Author Site Reviewresults

Sunday, 28 July 2024

The Roads 2000 Central Phase I project; funded through Government of France (Afd - 20 Million Euros) Government of Kenya (GoK - 2 Milliion Euros) covering Nyandarua and Muranga regions, was implemented from 2007 to 2011 and achieved the planned outputs of improvements of 1,090 km of gravel roads using labour based techniques. An independent evaluation of the Phase 1 project was carried out in July 2016.

Based on the success of Phase I, GoK requested AfD for support to a Phase II Project.  A  Credit Facility Agreement was duly signed on 5 July 2010, making provision for a loan of EUR 40m from AfD, with counterpart GOK/KRB funding of EUR 22.4m. A Midterm Review and Feasibility Study for completing the Phase 2 project was carried out in August to December 2013.  Based on this GoK committed to allocate an additional KES 1.5 Billion and AfD in May 2014 committed an additional 15 Million Euros.

The Phase 2 Project is on-going and implementation is underway including Works, Capacity Building, Training and Audits and is overall approximately  62% complete  against 80% of the revised project time elapsed.

The projects under Phase II cover the following Counties Nyeri, Kiambu, Laikipia and Kirinyaga.


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Kenya Rural Roads Authority,
Barabara Plaza, Block B
Airport South Road, Opp. KCAA
P.o. Box 48151-00100,
Nairobi. Kenya

Tel: 020-7807600 (01-05)
Mobile: +254 711 851103

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