Road classification in Kenya takes into account the function the road serves i.e.
- If the Road serves as a link between centres of international importance, crossing international boundaries or terminating at international ports (Class A roads-International Trunk Roads)
- If the road links nationally important centres, principal towns or urban centres (Class B roads-National Trunk Roads)
- A road that links provincially important centres to each other or to higher class roads are Class C roads or Primary Roads
- If a road links locally important centres to each other or to a more important centre, or to a higher class road it is a class D Road (Secondary Road)
- Any road link to a minor centre, market or local center is a Class E Road(Minor Road)
In addition there are other Classes of road as per usage (Special Roads) i.e;
- Forest Roads Class F Roads
- Roads serving Schools, Hospitals and Government Institutions Class G roads
- Roads leading to Coffee(Kahawa) growing areas Class K Roads
- Roads accessing settlement schemes Class L Roads
- National Park Roads Class P Roads
- Roads Accessing Rural areas Class R
- Roads Accessing Sugar growing areas Class S
- Roads accessing tea growing places Class T Roads
- Unclassified Rural Roads including those leading to areas with mineral deposits Class U Roads
- Roads Accessing Wheat growing areas Class W Roads